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Services: database driven web design

Building dynamically, database driven web sites may be just what you and your company has been looking for.

Some examples of what can be database driven would include:

    1. product listings: including descriptions, part numbers, etc.

    2. sales representatives: including name, phone numbers, e-mail, etc.

    3. distributor lists: including name, phone numbers, e-mail, web site, etc.

    4. news articles: including author, author e-mail, title, subtitle, story, etc.

"So," you say "how can my company use this?"

Well, it's simple. Do you want to have to call a web designer every time you want to change the phone number of a sales representative. Or, let's say you want to publish a monthly article, keeping everyone abreast as to what is happening. Wouldn't it be nice if someone from your company could add, edit, and delete news articles?

The possibilities are endless!

To give you a better idea of what we mean by database driven content we'll feature two sites: Manchester Tool Company and The M.F. Cachat Company.

The Manchester Tool Company's Distributor Information is all driven through a Microsoft Access Database. When you select an area on the map here (link opens new browser window) the database is queried for matching records. The records are then returned in the format you see below.

As you can see the database returns information so the appropriate header images are displayed, the appropriate regional manager is displayed, as well as all the distributors for the given territory. You'll also notice that if the regional manager or distributor has an e-mail address or web site a link is also displayed.

This database information is maintained by Manchester Tool Company through a password protected area of their web site, allowing them to make changes at any time anywhere in the world as long as they have internet access.

manchester site

This database information is maintained by Manchester Tool Company through a password protected area of their web site, allowing them to make changes at any time anywhere in the world as long as they have internet access.

The M.F. Cachat Company's web site is almost all database driven. However, the area that we'll focus on is the articles database.

We've setup The M.F. Cachat Company's home page (link opens new browser window), show below, to conveniently list the three most current articles in the right hand column (only two are shown on image below). So, when a client, Principal, or potential client visits The M.F. Cachat Company's Home Page they are presented with the most up to date news on The M.F. Cachat Company available.

MF Cachat site

Once a visitor clicks on the Article Link they are taken to the complete article as shown below. Also included on this screen is a complete list of articles in the Article Database.

Again, similar to Manchester Tool Company's Distributor Database Articles can be added, deleted, or edited by The M.F. Cachat Company through a password protected administration area.

So, if you currently have a web site and want to redesign it or, if you are new to the web and want to do it right the first time contact Us.

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Tue, October 22

• I've just completed a new site for The M.F. Cachat Company at www. mfcachat. com

• I now offer custom database design. Using FileMaker Pro I can develope for any platform. Click here for more information.

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