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This new version of our site contains heavy use of CSS, JavaScript, and SSI. If you would like to learn more about these advanced features click here.

Site Status: Beta 2.1a


Web Surfer Web Design

See what I offer in complete web site design services.

click here for more info

Web Surfer Template Driven Web Design

If you're running on Apache Web Server a Template Driven Web Site may be just what you need.

click here for more info

Web Surfer Database Driven Web Design

If you wish to be able to easily have anyone in your company make changes to critical content, and you are running your site on WindowsNT server/iis4 or 5 then this may be just what you have been looking for.

click here for more info

Web Surfer CD Design

CD's can be fun, especially when you have your own that showcases your own products and services.

click here for more info

Web Surfer Database Design

I am very verse in the creation of database solutions using the cross-platform FileMaker Pro.

click here for more info

Web Surfer Print Design

If you are looking to do any small or medium-sized print work I can easily handle it...

click here for more info

Visit MacOS Resources
Visit MacOS Resources

Sat, July 27

• I've just completed a new site for The M.F. Cachat Company at www. mfcachat. com

• I now offer custom database design. Using FileMaker Pro I can develope for any platform. Click here for more information.

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cool site if you're looking for anything Macintosh related.


great site for web development resources.

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